Weekly Round-Uppiness

I’ve decided it is high time to reinstate the Weekly Round-Up, for a myriad of reasons:

  1. I need to keep better track of my workouts.
  2. I like talking about myself.
  3. My weight is a creeper.  I’m currently sitting at 144.2; and judging by yesterday’s photos, my body is looking about ten pounds heavier than that.

So where are we?  Currently I was thinking today was Sunday.  You can imagine my disappointment.

My grandfather Hakan – AKA Farfar, the Swedish for “father’s father” – visited from Colorado last week.  At nearly 83, he’s an expert traveler and the kids adored him.



I want to write more about this once I’ve processed it, but this was a challenging and cathartic visit.  My Farmor passed away a few weeks before A was born.  It was difficult to come to grips with our new reality.  Farfar broke down a lot.  We looked at tons of family photos.  I took copious notes on our family history (this side of my family began in Finland).  I felt an incredibly strong sense of purpose and responsibility in recording the details.  If my babies are going to know a large part of where they began, then I must know our story.

In lighter news, I introduced my son to Saved by the Bell.  Because I have excellent parenting skills.


(Can y’all guess the episode?)

We also journeyed to the theatre in Fort Worth on Friday for a little Winnie the Pooh action.  The kids did fairly well, though at one hour and ten minutes the play was about ten minutes too long.

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We are also at that stage in which I ask myself “Why do I even BOTHER TO GO ANYWHERE?!?” at least 16 times per outing, thanks to Tantrum McFussypants in the Marty McFly vest.  But this too shall pass, RIGHT.

We also had our community Easter Egg Hunt, and the bunny is our homeboy.


I’m still reading Intuitive Eating, and, admittedly, struggling a bit.  In order to really eat intuitively, the authors insist, you need to put weight loss on the back-burner.  And… well, I can’t seem to do that.  I want to be at a certain weight, and if I lose focus on that number, my eating habits take a hit.  I’ve been working on listening to my body and at times I’ve ignored cues.  For some reason, I’ve eaten a lot of bread and simple carbs this week (we’ve been out to eat a bit since we had a guest), and my body does not respond well to regular bread anymore.  I’ve been bloated and feeling completely sluggish.

To eat intuitively, I’m not supposed to cut out any food, but eat all in moderation.  I’m not so sure about that tenet either.  I don’t feel good when I consume soy sauce and MSG, so I’m trying to cut those out.  (It hurts my heart to give up my beloved ginger dressing, but I’ve been really digging a big salad for lunch and a little EVOO and red wine vinegar aren’t so bad.)


I am learning to go easy on myself; learning to eat well is not an all or nothing proposition.  It’s about doing what feels best for your own body.

Amidst all of this tomfoolery, it’s been a bit difficult to get to the gym this week, but here’s a summary of workouts thus far:

Saturday, March 2 Race to Rescue Her 5K, 35 minutes
Sunday, March 3 Restorative Yin Yoga Class, 1 hour
Monday, March 4 20 minutes elliptical
Tuesday, March 5 7.03 miles, 33 minutes on bike, 3 sets of 12 reps shoulder/side lunge (5 lb. weights)
Thursday, March 7 .79 miles, 12 minute on elliptical, 15 assisted dip chins @ 85 lbs.
Sunday, March 10 Restorative Yin Yoga Class, 1 hour
Monday, March 11 2.77 mile run on treadmill, 33:50; triceps extension machine, 3 sets of 15 reps @ 20 lbs.
Monday, March 18 20 minutes on elliptical, .99 miles on tread, 18 minutes
Wednesday, March 20 1.26 mile walk to park with kiddos; .8 mile walk to MY CAR on campus (but 70 calories burned)

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